Responsible for chairing committee meetings liaising, with the University and fuelling garden activities with delicious homemade food.
Organises meetings, maintains membership records and helps with general administration.
Maintains financial records, identifies potential grants and other financial sources of funds.
Garden Ambassador
Was instrumental in setting up the garden and getting onto a sound financial footing, continues to promote and take an interest in the garden
Staff representative
Liaises between the garden and University of Exeter when necessary.
Student representative
Liaises between the garden and Students' Guild and students in general.
Community representative.
Ex officio committee member
A story book created by Meg Haslam (one of our members) and others for children about the environmental change that has occured in the UK over the last 2 years.
To obtain your copy, follow the link below:
We shall be holding our AGM in October, date to be notified later, and we are currently looking for a new Student representative and a new Community Representative. If you are interested in standing for either of these positions, please contact the Secretary.
The AGM is an opportunity for all members to raise any matters concerning the Garden, either in person if you can attend or by sending a question/comment to the Secretary.
30th June 2011
The Garden officially opened by the Lord Mayor of Exeter.
16th November 2011
The first trees planted in the orchard - see video on 'Orchard planting'.
March 2012
The Observatory erected.
7th June 2012
The Observatory inaugurated by the Vice Chancellor, Registrar and Lord Mayor.
March 2013
The greenhouse erected.
May 2013
The cob bench formed with the help of Kevin McCabe.
March 2014
The polytunnels completed.
4th October 2014
Floella Benjamin, Chancellor, planted the mulberry tree in the orchard, variety 'Chancellor'.
November 2021
New website launched.
8th June 2022
Our 10th anniversary party. (delayed 12 months due to Covid restrictions).
10th June 2023
Hospiscare open day
2023 year
Replaced all the timber for the raised beds and new polythene membrane on both polytunnels.
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